Sunday 27 February 2011

Type of Characters to Star in My film.

Ella Young.

A very young  girl who is seemed to be innocent and happy all the time, idolises her mum, giggly. - cannot be seen as she is a voice over.

If i was to choose someone for this part i would choose Anna Chlumsky in 'My Girl (1991) because she comes across innocent and happy - and can make people cry.

Sarah Young

A middle aged mum type character who is strong willed and would do anything for her children is the part i need for my film.

Nicole Kidman in 'The Others (2001)' is the perfect character to play this part as she is fierce and believable.

Nick Young 

A man who is strong on the outside but soft on the inside is what i need for this part, a man who is stubborn but will cave in at the end for love.

Sean Penn in 'Mystic River (2003)' would be the best person to play this character due to his show stopping performance and how he is in this film is exactly how i want the character to be played.

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