Wednesday 2 February 2011

Looking at Genre

In this lesson we looked at genre. We viewed clips and picked out the things that makes them that genre.

Action - Saving Private Ryan

  1. American And French Flags used which symbolises the patriotic nature of war.
  2. Old man showing generations that were affected standing in a cemetry surrounded by crosses which represent death this shows lives lost in war.
  3. Traditional 'Proud American' non-diegetic music in the background

Comedy - Wall-e
  1. Classic pixar opening with the lamp
  2. uplifting theatrical non-diegetic music
  3. although the main genre is comedy it also has elements of sci fi due to the use of credits and the background being planets.
Psyco - Horror
  1. The on going non diegetic sharp music which makes you think something bad is going to happen soon
  2. The simple green lines moving on the screen intrigues your eyes which sets the scene in a suspicious way. 
  3. The way the screen stays the same just makes you wait for the bad thing to happen.

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